Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Weekend Recap

This past weekend, Jason and I had uno child and it was sooo nice! I know that sounds terrible, but it was so nice to get a break for a change!
Friday evening, I took Jaycelyn and Noah to my Grandmother and Aunts house to spend the weekend. I wasn't expecting Jason home until around his usual time of 7-8 pm, but much to my surprise he got off of work early. I was just about to get Eli something to eat when he called to let me know he was on his way home. He was too tired to meet us somewhere to eat so I picked up some O'Charleys To-Go and him a Sanpeggios Greek Chicken Salad (he's obsessed with the things, he could eat them daily).
When we got home, daddy had us a nice fire going in the fireplace.

Eli kept pointing and saying "HOT" and jumping up and down. The first time we started one, he looked at me almost in tears, pointing to it and mumbling. He knew something wasn't right about it. He's been really good though about not going near it. 
While we got settled in and were deciding on what movie we wanted to watch, Eli and I played around on instagram for a minute...

 Eli got sleepy but he was a good sport so we let him hang with us for a while.

Saturday, I let Jason catch up on rest and Eli and I headed out to Toy's R Us to do a little Christmas shopping. I don't know what in the world I was thinking going to that crazy house on a Saturday!
Oh wait, that's right I only had one kid! I knew it was now or never!
 I can't even begin to imagine what that place is like on Black Friday or right before Christmas!!
 I'll just be happy when it's all over with! Can you agree!?
 Noah is my hardest child to buy for. Jaycelyn doesn't mind telling you everything she wants. Like this ridiculous pony that costs way too much that yes I bought anyway! I'm still debating on keeping it or not. That is all she keeps talking about and told me, "I totally want one". Ha

I picked up Longhorn for dinner and we pigged out and watched more movies! :)

Late Sunday morning, we picked the kids up and went out to lunch at Cracker Barrel for my Father-in Law Larry's birthday.

Jaycelyn was excited to see her PaPaw...

Uncle Michael and Eli...

I thought this was cute...

PaPaw giving Noah some love and Jason doing something...

Jaycelyn loves her Uncle Michael...

My sister-in-law Hillary, my niece Peyton, and I...

And our many attempts at a family picture...

We had a great time and I was super excited to take these home ...

along with an order of pancakes for breakfast! Yumm!

We just chilled the rest of the afternoon. The kids were over exhausted so I put them to bed early, Jason watched a boring movie, and I surfed the internet! Then, we turned in pretty early ourselves :) 

Until next time! 


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