Monday, May 7, 2012

Answered Prayers

Today Jason started a new job! A wonderful job! Something that we have prayed for, for nearly three years. Jason started his previous job a few months before Jaycelyn was born. It was a blessing for us at that time because he was having to change jobs. The problem came when Jaycelyn was a couple of weeks old, he had to start working out of town.
When Noah was born 11 months later, he had to leave when he was a week old. Jason's grandmother had also just passed away 3 days after his birth. I had an 11 month old and a newborn. I couldn't even talk to him on the phone because I couldn't get any words out through all of the crying. I was a complete. emotional. wreck! It was a very hard time for us both! My parents did stay with me for a couple of weeks, I don't know what I would've done without them!
Long story short, it started to become a regular thing and it caused him to miss Jaycelyn's first birthday, New Year's, his first two Father's Days, etc.
When the kids got older, it was very hard on them, especially Jaycelyn! They couldn't understand why Daddy always had to leave and if they did see him, why it was only for a day or two. There were several mornings when Jason left before dark and I could hear a bloodcurdling scream from Jaycelyn's room as she watched him leave without getting to tell him bye. And I remember the time when she ran to my room screaming and holding his picture saying, daddy loves me so much and he can't give me a hug and kiss when he's at work. Which of course brought me to tears so many times. It's hard to see your children upset and you can't do anything to make them feel better because you feel the same way. Only I was a little better at holding my emotions in but they just brought them out because they acted the way I was feeling on the inside.
 Jason continuously looked for another job but nothing ever came through. 
After Eli was born this past August, it was the same thing all over again, except I had a 2 and 3 year old and a newborn! :) Eli was 6 days old when Jason had to leave again.
We just continued to pray for God to open up a job for him, the right job, somewhere close to home.
It was six weeks later when we faced another hard decision that we had to put our full faith in God. It was time for me to return back to work but things just weren't adding up. How was I going to work on Saturdays, and find childcare for three kids that was even affordable? 
It was then that we made the decision that I would not return to work. This was a very hard decision. I had worked this job for seven years. I couldn't help but think, what if Jason doesn't find a new job and work gets slow? We'll have no income at all, with three kids, what will we do!? 
Well that was in October and around January, work did get slow. Jason has worked very little since then and almost none in the past two months. 
Sometimes it is so hard to turn everything over to God. We think that that we have everything figured out but don't realize that God has a bigger and better plan then we could ever dream of! Even though I was so worried about what was going to happen, God never failed us. My kids got to be with their Daddy at home for the past few months and even though he wasn't working, we haven't gone without. God has met every need we've had and even some wants. 
A few weeks ago, Jason received an email about a job he had applied for months ago. It was the only response he has gotten from the hundreds of jobs he has applied for.
He went in for an interview, we prayed about it and he got the job! 
God didn't answer our prayers right away. It was on his time but my faith is stronger and I fully trust that this is where he wants us to be!

I saw this recently and I love it! 

1 comment:

  1. How amazing, Rachel!! Sounds like to me God let him make up for some lost time. :) Congrats on your hubby's new job.



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