Wednesday, May 2, 2012


If you follow me on Instagram then you may want to go ahead and close this post because it will probably seriously bore you. I'm a little obsessed, okay maybe a lot obsessed. I usually always have my phone on me so I can always get a good picture at the moment rather than trying to run for the camera. I'm sure you can guess that most of all the pictures I take are of my kids because basically that's all that my life consists of. And more of Eli because he is glued to my hip all day.
Instagram is a way for me to capture those random little moments in our day to day life through pictures. I thought I'd show you a little bit of what we've been up to.

I started this post earlier today and I'm just now getting around to finishing it. Eli was trying to eat my computer then. He is teething and putting everything in his mouth at the moment.

Including food, of course! I let him feed himself quite often so that he can get the hang of it. Hopefully earlier than J & N because they both eat like pigs! We've been working on their table manners for quite a while now. I think I might have waited too long to let them start feeding themselves. :-/ What do you think? Would this make a difference or am I just doomed with little piglets forever?

Eli has tried several new things here recently, the boy loves to eat...if you couldn't already tell? Did I mention he weighs 23 pounds?
 Here's his first time eating grits...

And just a spoonful of peanut butter...

This one just cracks me up!

He had potato soup for lunch the other day...

He even eats puffs on the nods. ha! 

Last Saturday night, he sat in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time. Can't you tell we don't go out much!?

Eli is sooo close to crawling! He actually can on our bed but on the floor he just stands on his feet and hands and tries to go somewhere. I have a feeling he will be into everything in just a short amount of time!

I rarely ever get a picture of these three together! Especially looking at the camera and smiling! Jaycelyn refuses to look at a camera when you want to take a picture and Noah has that major cheesin fake smile!

Noah and Jaycelyn still like to "hold the baby" even though he's almost as big as they are...

I got a foot rub from the hubs the other day. He can be sweet when he wants to...

Then he showed Noah how it's done...

Don't think he's not spoiled rotten either though. This is the lunch he got fixed for him just shortly after that...

My dog Bella thinks she's a 5 pound lap dog...

She likes to get on her profile pretty often...

Noah has been fully potty trained for a few weeks now and he's doing great with it. The first couple of days we had some accidents but since then we've had only one that is even worth counting. The problem though is the boy doesn't like to wear clothes. It's a constant battle to make him keep his clothes on and to put his underwear back on after he goes to the potty. Although, when he does wear underwear, his crack is usually always hanging out. :/ Oh well you can't win them all right? 

I picked these off of one of our strawberry plants the other day. I didn't get to try one though because I had to walk to the baby's room and when I got back, J & N had already eaten them...

And I just can't get over what a happy content baby this is!

God has truly blessed us in so many ways! I couldn't ask for anything more!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodnesss how precious!

    I'm a new follower from Kelly's Korner! I look forward to reading your blog!



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